Mythos Column Mimic

Single miniature.

Included Bases:

Circle 50mm X 1

Artist: Artisan Guild
Beware the Mythos Column Mimic, a cunning predator disguised as a weathered relic! This monstrous miniature features a stone column facade, complete with cracks and ancient markings, concealing a horrifying truth. A single, malevolent eye peers out from the column's surface, while a gaping maw filled with rows of jagged teeth and writhing tongues awaits unsuspecting prey. Several tentacles sprout from the column, ready to ensnare any who draw near. Add this terrifying creature to your tabletop encounters and watch your players' paranoia reach new heights!

Miniature Size


Standard Size

71.4700 mm

47.1200 mm

83.3900 mm

Enter your desiered height in mm.

Custom Base

Mythos Column Mimic