Mythraxxis Flat Beams On Base

Single miniature.

Artist: Artisan Guild
Unleash the terror of Mythraxxis, a being of pure malevolence and arcane power! This grotesque aberration floats menacingly above a scene of ruin and avarice, its central eye promising annihilation. Multiple tentacles tipped with flat beams radiate outwards, ready to unleash devastating energies upon its foes. The creature's gaping maw reveals rows of razor-sharp teeth, a testament to its insatiable hunger. Perched atop a crumbling column and guarding a treasure chest overflowing with skulls, Mythraxxis is a formidable addition to any encounter.

Miniature Size


Standard Size

119.4400 mm

99.4400 mm

115.8100 mm

Enter your desiered height in mm.

Mythraxxis Flat Beams On Base