Orc Sailor

Single miniature.

Included Bases:

Circle 25mm X 1

Artist: Cast n Play
Behold the Orc Sailor, a fearsome addition to any seafaring adventure! This battle-hardened Orc stands ready to plunder and pillage, cutlass in hand and a mischievous glint in her one good eye. Her rugged tunic and sturdy boots speak of countless voyages across treacherous waters. With a confident stance and a hint of exposed cleavage, she's as alluring as she is dangerous. Add this swashbuckling Orc to your crew and set sail for unforgettable tales of high-seas adventure!

Miniature Size


Standard Size

31.5500 mm

23.5300 mm

34.9200 mm

Enter your desiered height in mm.

Custom Base

Orc Sailor